AGM & Committee Meeting Agendas & Minutes


From our meeting on the 27th May the committee has decided that we will no longer post Minutes on our Website. Instead, there will be a hard copy posted on the notice board in the Clubhouse.

Committee Meeting Minutes 27th May 2023

Prepared by Trevor Gordine.

Apologies for absence from S.Edwards R.Hallett.

Present. D Steff, J Williams, T Gordine, D O Mahoney, R Maton, C Matthews and J Atkinson.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


  1. Still awaiting the Bank Debit Card.
  2. The open days were a bit dissapointing. it was suggested that we hold taster sessions once a fortnight on Sunday afternoons. By appointment only.
  3. Dave and Marion Hoggen leaving has caused some problems. Chris has taken over the website. We are now looking for someone to take over arranging the Stracy, Brodie and friendly fixtures for next season. We also need a representative for the Stracy and brodie competitions. Six Club competitions have had to be re-organised. Chris and Debbie have taken over team selection for all games, except for WSBL. We have agreed to continue without a Vice Captain for the rest of the season.
  4. A sub committee of Debbie, John Williams Janet and Dave Steff has been set up to co-ordinate the refurbishment of the clubhouse in the off season 2023-24.
  5. No progress has been made re sponsorship.
  6. Raffle prizes have been going well, and we now have a new random number generator.
  7. Help on the open days was dissapointing, and we agreed not to hold another one next year.
  8. Ted Hayward’s dedicaton has been changed to 10.00 at the families request.
  9. John Bailey has agreed to run some quiz nights. A budget of £25 was allocated to get him started, but we need a plan for the operation of these nights.
  10. It was agreed that non members being signed in at a cost of £1. would be limited to three times a year. Family members would not be limited.

Any other Business.

Richard Maton was formalised as WSBL manager.

Presentation Evening will be on 17th, 18th, 24th or the 28th November depending on venue and availability.

We will be providing tea biscuits and scones if required for home games.

Ken and Denise Staton have offered specific coaching sessions to members, with an attendance of 6-12 members/

The agenda and minutes for committee meeting will be on the notice board and Website 14 days before the meeting for agendas. and 14 days after for the minutes.

It as agreed to look at increasing the club handicap to 12.

In the coming year it we should try all means to increase club membership.

We will not now be selling any of club bowls.

The application for the Debit Card is becoming a nightmare.

The meeting closed at 12-15.

The next meeting will be on 22nd July at 10.30am.

COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 25th MARCH 2023 – Prepared by Trevor Gordine.

Apologies for absence from R Hallett, M Hoggen, C Matthews and A Slater

Present T Gordine, J Atkinson, S Edwards, D O’Mahoney, J Williams and R Maton

Minutes from previous meeting agreed


  1. Ken MacMasters has completed his first aid course and is now our First Aider
  2. We are still awaiting the debit card for R Maton. £20000 has now been invested in a 1year bond from our bank balance.
  3. The advert for our open days has been inserted in the April edition of The Worthing Journal
  4. The unveiling of the Ted Hayward plaque has been agreed with the family to be on 3rd June at 11 am
  5. It was agreed to upgrade the clubhouse next winter and have discussions and suggestions during the season to determine a final plan.
  6. The next committee meeting was agreed to be 6th May but was noted after the meeting that this clashed with an open day and the coronation so has been changed to 27th May at 11.00am
  7. M Hoggen sent a suggestion sheet as she could not attend. It was suggested that we try to obtain sponsorship for the club. This was agreed that this would be looked into with J Williams coordinating all inputs
  8. Also suggested that prizes be given for raffles after club matches, and this was agreed with 50% of money taken spent on Beer, wine , chocolate, biscuits etc. The money available would be £16 for Stracey and WSL matches and £12 for Brodie matches. Five and four triple friendlies would raise £15 and £12 respectively. We would have to find members responsible for sourcing prizes for each match. It was agreed to purchase anew electronic random number selector for these and other raffles
  9. During our open days we require members to afford services of welcoming, assistance on greens and providing refreshments at 2hr shifts from 10am to 4pm. It was suggested we supply flyers for distribution and use a facebook page to increase publicity of these days.
  10. It was agreed all dogs be banned from clubhouse during the season

The meeting was closed at 12.25pm

SATURDAY 18th FEBUARY 2023 – Please see below the minutes prepared by Trevor Gordine from the club committee meeting.




Members present: T Gordine, J Atkinson, J Bailey, C Matthews, D O’Mahoney, M Hoggen, R Hallett

J Williams and D Steff

Apologies for absence from R Maton

  1. Minutes of last meeting were approved


Further committee meeting dates to be agreed at the March meeting.

D Steff and R Hallett agreed to organise maintenance and cleaning programmes

It was noted that K MacMasters has offered to be the First Aid Officer. Training will have to be arranged

It was agreed that cash from the bar should be banked weekly and Richard to have a debit card to alleviate him of the responsibility of holding large amounts of club cash.

The advert to be inserted in the Worthing Journal was agreed subject to a new font being used

Ted Hayward plaque was ready and the family to be contacted to arrange a unveiling date.

It was agreed to put up a poster in the clubhouse and a forum on the website asking members for their thoughts on upgrading the clubhouse.

We would be purchasing 6 small folding tables for placing drinks adjacent to the greens on match days, also we should investigate the supply of cold water dispensers on these tables


  1. It was agreed to have a club afternoon on a Monday to accommodate those that cannot make the Tuesday evening session.
  2. It was proposed that we invest £20000 of our bank balance into a 1yr bond to obtain some interest for the money we hold.
  3. It was agreed that we should upgrade the clubhouse to make it more appealing and a sub committee should oversee this project. In the meantime investigations to be undertaken to change our existing tables to new round ones.


  1. It was confirmed that parking permits will be supplied to all members that purchase a season ticket.
  2. It was agreed that we will be running 2 fund raising schemes this year, 50up which has been previously running and a new one Bonus Ball which is linked to the National Lottery Saturday

draw each week.

  1. It was put forward that we should have a new competition named after Tommy Wright our main benefactor. A competition was put forward by Marion and will be considered by the competition secretary.
  2. We are to reinstate the giving of pens to top rink winners in matches.
  3. It was suggested we have a race night, but first we must have an events coordinator
  4. A snag list is required for the deep clean on 14th March.
  5. Further information to be included on the membership forms including next of kin emergency contact number and permission to use email address.

Meeting closed at 12.15am

SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY 2023 – Please see below the minutes prepared by Trevor Gordine from the club committee meeting which took place on 14th January 2023:

COMMITTEE MEETING on Sat. 14th Jan 2023


Members present : T Gordine, J Bailey, C Mattews, A Slater, D O’Mahoney, M Hoggen

S Edwards, R Hallett, R Maton and J Williams

Apologies for absence from J Atkinson and D Steff

  1. Minutes of last meeting approved
  2. Matters arising were mainly dealt with at AGM
  3. It was stated that if we wanted to stay open later for social events etc , we could providing we inform council of dates and times.
  4. Dates were agreed for Committee Meetings Sat. 18th Feb 11.00am Sat. 25 March 11.00am. Signing on day Sat.1st April 10.00 to 4.00pm Open days Sat. 29th April Sat 6th May and 26-29th May BE Big Weekend. We only need to commit to one day/event over this period. Day to be agreed
  5. It was agreed that social members be restricted to 10% of total membership and that any visitors being signed in by members be charged £1.00. This does not apply to visiting teams.
  6. Further to the AGM it was agreed that further posts that would enhance the running of the club would be

Welfare, Maintenance and cleaning coordinator and social events coordinator. Debby offered her services as Welfare officer at the AGM and the other two posts would be advertised on the club’s whats/app and on club notice board

  1. It was agreed that the accounts be presented in a manner which enabled easier extraction of information.
  2. D Sergent asked the committee whether the club night and E Boulton competition could be changed to a Monday night .It was agreed that it stays as it has always done on a Tuesday night But we might arrange a club afternoon for members who cannot make the evening session.
  1. Andy stated that we are still awaiting costs for installing shutters to external doors
  2. It was agreed that the advert promoting the open days should promote the club in a more relaxed manner rather than the most formal way most clubs are depicted.

11) It was agreed that the clubhouse needs a revamp and redesigned to make it more appealing to members and visitors. To be discussed at a later date

  1. T Hayward plaque is now being fabricated
  2. At present it was agreed there will be no increase in bar prices
  3. Trevor agreed to approach the licencing authority to alter our current licence in order to allow members and visitors to take drinks purchased from the club bar out to the area adjacent to the greens.

Meeting closed at12.30pm

SATURDAY 3rd DECEMBER 2022 – Please see below the minutes prepared by Trevor Gordine from our 2022 AGM.

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Worthing Bowling Club

Minutes of AGM at WBC clubhouse

on Sat. 3rd Dec 2022 at 1pm.

Before the meeting commenced there was a minute’s silence for previous members who have passed away during the previous year, Les Hubbard, Graham Salt and Ted Hayward.

  1. There were 24 attendees and apologies for absence were received from Ken MacMaster, Ted Poole, Nick Gordine, Wendy & Steve Murphy, Ian Slater, Tina Redman, Russ Hallett, Russ Jennings and Mick Darters.
  2. Minutes of AGM From 2021 were approved with no matters arising.
  3. Captain’s Report – Andy Slater said it was disappointing that we were relegated to division 2 of the WSBL and hoped we would go back up in 2023. Our membership is increasing, we are providing more games next year and thanks for the fantastic competitions this year.
  4. Secretary’s Report – I will start with a vote of thanks and appreciation for the following members for keeping the club operational during the past year:

Richard Maton , for running the bar and WSBL.

Marion Hoggen for sorting the Match Diary and running Brodie and friendlies.

Janet Atkinson for taking over my work while I was in hospital as well as continuing her own work.

Mick Page and Mick O’Mahoney for all their maintenance work during the winter period in and around the clubhouse and greens.

Debbie O’Mahoney and Janet Atkinson for all the cleaning before and during the season.

Peter Mantle for assisting Mick Page with all the cups and organising the Presentation Evening. Charles Lindsell for his work on the greens as our unofficial Greens Steward ably assisted by Dave Sargent.

Dave Hoggen for managing our resurrected website in a professional manner.

Chris Matthews and Mick O’Mahoney for organising the Charity Day and raffle.

Simon Edwards for his prowess with the hoover.

Kate Jennings for all her work in managing the catering at home matches.

Maureen Jackson (last but certainly not least) for her external floral dispay.

If I have forgotten anybody else, I do apologise.

The Charity Day was a bit disappointing with only 30 bowlers attending, but those who did were amazing raising £475.00 on the day. Well done.

Trustees – This was overlooked at the last AGM. The 2 existing trustees resigned at the AGM

Pre Covid and Andy Slater and I (Trevor Gordine) stepped in as a new lease needed to be agreed

and signed by trustees. The meeting endorsed these posts by a majority.

The club committee have put forward three members to become honorary life members

They are Mick Page, Edward Poole and Trevor Gordine and this was endorsed by the meeting.

Finally I would like to reiterate that smoking and drinking of alcohol can only be consumed on the tarmac paths around the greens.

5. Treasurer’s Report-The balance sheet and accounts were issued and it shows a £310.00 profit but there are various invoices awaiting from the council for the current year.

6. Auditor’s Report- All accounts studied and approved

7. Match Secretary’s Report ( WSBL ) Relegated from Div 1 By one point.

8. Match Secretary’s Report ( Brodie ) We came 2nd in Brodie League and won half of our friendlies played during the season.

We have entered the Stracey League for the 2023 season and would appreciate as many members as possible to put their names down for games.

9. Competition Secretary’s Report-It was a good year for all the competitions and I would like to thank everybody who has helped me in my final year in the post

10. We would like to offer a vote of thanks to retiring officers and committee

11. All of the officers were re-elected unopposed with Chris Mathews taking over as Captain from Andy Slater who is standing down due to business and personal commitments and Dave Steff who is taking over from Mick Page who has been Competition Secretary for many years.

Our current officers are as follows:

President Trevor Gordine

Captain Chris Matthews

Hon Secretary Trevor Gordine

Hon Treasurer J Atkinson

Vice Captain Marion Hoggen

Competition Secretary Dave Steff

Match Secretary WSBL Richard Maton

Match Secretary Stracey, Brodie and Friendlies Marion Hoggen

Committee members voted on – Russ Hallett, John Williams, John Bailey, Simon Edwards & Debbie O’Mahoney.

Other Positions:

Auditor Andy Slater

WSCB Delegate Andy Slater

Stracey/Brodie Delegate Marion Hoggen

SCBA Delegate Richard Maton

Bar Manager Richard Maton

12. After some members raised concern about the £2.00 match fees for every match it was agreed to reduce this to £1.00 but it was warned that we would be losing over £700 in income so will have to raise that amount elsewhere.

We will be training up a male and female Bowls England coach sponsored by the club

They will be Janet Atkinson and Simon Edwards.

13. Any Other Business – It was agreed that in future, minutes from committee meetings be posted on the website as well as being pinned on the notice board.

The club committee are to discuss whether we need further posts to ensure smooth running of the club such as a Public Relations officer, a Resources Manager, a Maintenance and Cleaning officer, an Events officer and a Welfare officer. If a Maintenance/Cleaning officer is not appointed we should find some way to arrange a cleaning programme and materials ordering.

Meeting closed at 2.40pm